Learning is a lifelong activity. My method has been to pick a broad topic related to where I want to take my career, source the materials you can, and practice.

Previously my focus has been on Design. There is still a lot of value in user-centered design, the addressing of wicked problems, and the value of rich, qualitative data to drive insights and decision making.

My current focus is on Business & Investment. The stepping stone is an autodidact MBA. I had considered a fulltime program, but with Covid-19 being quite as bad as it is, there is no reasonable way to do an on-campus program. Unfortunately, many programs have not kept up with modern technology (somewhat paradoxically), so there are not many online options either.

I repeatedly notice from both entrepreneurs and investors a rising chorus of ‘you could save a LOT of money if you did not bother with an accredited program’, which makes a certain amount of sense in the context of rising tuition and general observations of the power of networked individuals.

I’ll be writing up about my learnings on the blog here, but also building out a public syllabus on GitHub https://github.com/The-Mentor-Ship

A few excellent resources to kickstart the process if you’re interested are:
